Is it that hard to spread the wealth around?
Tuesday 26 January 2010
rosiemusic makes the front page twice in 1 day, within the span of 4 hours.
bubbletime makes the front page twice in 1 day, within the span of 4 hours... and was featured on the previous day
poppyswickedgarden is on the front page with the same tights for the umpteenth time.
gollybard is on the front page today, as gollybard was on the front page yesterday.
slinkymalinkicat again, just like every day before that...
you know, slinkymalinkicat, who has an endless supply of prints that were manufactured by someone else, drawn by someone else... not handmade.
25 January 2010
Raceytay makes the front page twice in 1 day, 2 treasuries back to back.
With at least 333 regular treasuries and 222 treasury wests to choose from, how do the same people end up on the front page all the time?
So, all you consumers do your fellow etsians a favor: don't buy from admin favorites, don't buy from these sellers. Do Not Patronize shops that benefit from unfair business practices.