Friday, February 5, 2010

front page repeats, again...

Apparently 24 hours without front page repeats of the same sellers would be too lofty a task to be accomplished by etsy's employees.

allencompanyinc (regular repeat, TWICE this week + last week)
cocoabeans (regular repeat, this week + last week)
GollyBard (perennial repeat, more than TWICE this week)
HAREandDRUM (perennial repeat)
humblebea (perennial repeat)
maclancy (regular repeat, TWICE this week + last week)
missbird (regular repeat)
munieca (regular repeat, at least TWICE this week + last week)
xenotees (regular repeat, TWICE this week + last week)

There are more than 40 sellers on etsy. Do Not Patronize front page repeats. Don't buy from them. Don't put them in your treasuries. Don't enable the unprofessional etsy employees to continue to put them on the front page with your shop name credited as responsible. Favoritism is an unfair business practice. Do Not Patronize front page favorites.