Wednesday, February 3, 2010

front page repeats...

I hold out hope sometimes. But with etsy and the front page, well, having hope is just silly. It is a new week. But it is also only Wednesday.
Between 1-31-10 and 2-3-10 these are the front page repeats:

annarubyking (regular repeat)
awakes (regular repeat, this week + last week)
Corrabelle (featured twice on Sunday)
DearDodo (regular repeat, this week + last week)
giddyspinster (regular repeat)
girlsavage (regular repeat)
jessjamesjake (regular repeat, this week + last week)
krize (regular repeat, this week + last week)
Lirola (can I poke my eyes out now?)
maclancy (regular repeat, this week + last week)
MIXKO (regular repeat, this week + last week)
munieca (regular repeat, this week + last week)
olaladesign (regular repeat, repeat curator)
orglamix (regular repeat, this week + last week)
ozetta (regular repeat, this week + last week)
rabbitstop (you know, the new toybreaker... and regular repeat, this week + last week)
RUBYreclycled (regular repeat, this week + last week)
sleepyking (regular repeat, this week + last week)
slinkymalinkicat (perennial repeat)
TheApple (regular repeat, this week + last week)
toybreaker (perennial repeat)
yaelfran (regular repeat)

If some asshole on the forums tries to deny that there are front page repeats and then goes on to tell you that it is all in your head, your imagination, or the pit of your deep down dark jealous soul, it simply is not. These are simply a handful of the etsy sellers who constantly are given free promotional time on the front page. It is an unfair business practice. It isn't that you are jealous, or that you take substandard photos, or make lousy product, or have a shop name that contains numbers (yes, honey, you are treading into cuckoo conspiracy territory when you suggest that one). It is just favoritism, and it is wrong.

If you make treasuries, then avoid these shops.